Daddies Board Shop (daddiesboardshop.com) is one of my personal favorite long-board/skateboard/snowboard shops, which is particularly amazing considering that they are located a few states away. This company’s online presence is what makes them one of the best, so let’s use what we know about websites to find out why this one is so great. For this assessment we will use the AIDA model (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

Attention- As you arrive at the website your attention is first drawn to the company logo in the upper left and the half picture of a long-board manual next to it. This works particularly well because of where it forces your eyes to go next.

Interest- The reason the attention grabbing logo and picture are so great is because of what is at the top of the page in orange stamp looking writing located just to the right of the logo and picture. The test reads “Free shipping on all US orders.” This immediately creates Interest, as one of the main reason people do not shop online is the price of shipping.

Desire- Almost every part of this webpage is created with a focus around desire. On the homepage the most popular products are displayed with full pictures, and the best companies have banners on the right wall with awesome action shots in each one.

Action- This website is all about action. Every product or company logo is a link to another part of their company’s website, either a purchase/information page or another page with several different products. It is very easy to find product descriptions and reviews, and the search bar in the upper left combined with the web design make navigating a breeze.

Oh did I mention you will love what you get? They sell great products.